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Our blog is used for writing instructions on several different forms, as well as for writing more about our Unified Communications solution and the benefits that come with it.
Finding IP address of Polycom VVX phone
Finding out the IP address of your Polycom VVX phone can be accomplished by performing the following steps: Press the Home/Menu key Select 'Settings' Select 'Status' Select TCP/IP parameters Once you have selected the TCP/IP parameters the screen should now show you...
Benefits of switching to Unified Communications
Interested in finding out why your company should switch over from your outdated and expensive telephone system over to ADEPTVOIP and its Unified Communications (UC) solution? Unified communications were created due to the limitations of legacy technology and the...
Finding IP Address of Yealink T46S
To obtain the IP address of your Yealink T46S press the OK button when the phone is idle. You should then see a screen that will show you the IPv4 address, MAC address, Firmware version as well as a 'More' option that will be able to provide you with information on...
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